Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Someone is Taking me to the Abyss at Night – Ah Come ON! - (2122)

Then Fight if you Believe it is so! We belong to the Virile Fraternity Here!

I don’t care even if you are a lady, get out there and fight!

Whatever seems to be taking you there in the astral when your physical body sleeps, just mount a huge fight against it!

Whether it be your own egos or some part of yourself or something external – you have no option but to fight!

By hook or by crook, anyone who works on themselves and yearns to free him or herself, must become a terrific fighter against the darkness within him or herself, and the darkness outside of him or herself whenever that it is, it presses against his or her well-being or the well-being of others, not just for fun or for the sake of it.

Fight – No Matter What

No matter who you are, elegant, refined and distinguished what we all have dwelling in our interior we must face at one point consciously and voluntarily or mechanically and involuntarily within our own abyss and within the abyss of nature so what are you scared of? What is out there is no worse than what we have dwelling within.

A beautiful face, a beautiful body, a smooth and quiet voice, good manners, nice clothes etc. mean little when it comes to what we carry within. See yourself as an essence that fights for its unity and integration, the essence is no delicate nor weak flower.

I Doubt Others Take Your There

I am not so convinced that others take you there, but it is possible. We are not that important that someone makes that effort to take us down there.

Virtually all of humanity gravitates down towards the abyss at night so it is possible that we are unwillingly pulled in by that powerful current and are moved downwards. But someone consciously dragging you there is another matter.

It is possible yes, but if you don’t want to be going there – FIGHT and FIGHT against it and don’t go there.

Develop your skills as a fighter. There is no other way. We are left really in the end to do things for ourselves. Fight by ourselves or call for help by ourselves. No one is going to save you, but yourself or the one from whom you ask for help from. In this case there is no one better than Master Samael.

End (2122).

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