Tuesday, 5 December 2017

The Hippie Student Type - (2082)

Some Students

There are some students that come to Gnosis living a style of life where they don’t work (no physical job), live in a communal type of setting, like to travel, dabble in drugs, are into alternative things, like art and dabble in some ‘creative artistic’ kind of projects, dress unconventionally, eat organic high quality food, are free, have no ties, no responsibilities, talk all about the heart and love and conventionally rebel against the conventional.

They are usually quite healthy, intelligent and capable of working, but chose not to work. Well some have some disability of one kind or another but when that is the case they really seem to milk that.

They are also very nice, very relaxed and friendly and it is nice to talk to them and help them. Some have strange nicknames that are exotic and far from their very ordinary conventional Anglo-Saxon name.

They Think they are Free – But Freedom is Earnt

They are quite interested in Gnosis and when they hear about how nature conspires against us to thwart our awakening, how the fascination with life hinders our spiritual progress and how one must choose between life and the path, they naturally think that they are doing quite well being as they are.

However, they are wrong as they are still well invested in their own style of life which is, in the end just ‘life’. As soon as one begins to transform oneself, one enters the vertical, this type of student does not change so easily, just as everyone else does not change they try. 

They are in life indulging other egos, instead of the usual greed, fear and pride they are indulging laziness, selfishness and pride as well, but a different aspect of pride. The pride that they are better and different to everyone else and that those of the conventional should support them or someone should support. They may not want the help of the conventional but that is what always happens the conventional comes in to support them. So where is their freedom, they are perhaps worse than the conventional because the conventional does not draw off of them.

Not a Good House Keeper – If They Don’t Change

We know that the state of being a good house keeper is needed for the path. Which is really the state of a responsible person in all senses. Such hippie, bohemian, artistic types are not responsible in their physical life so how are we going to believe that they are responsible in their psychological and inner life? The physical always cascades down from the esoteric and the psychological.

Always Relying on Others and Always Somebody Pays for Them

One characteristic is that these students are selfish and are very smart in moving others so to get help from others. It inadvertently, even if they don’t it to be that way, they end up receiving continually.

When it comes time to return what they have received they are always lacking.

Imagine a Gnostic centre full of those types. Well the centre would collapse in less than a month.

Not Good Missionary Material if they Don’t Change

Of course, this is true, if they do not change, that is if they do not create an ordered life that is one of voluntarily assumed responsibility and are able to provide for others then they will be a useless missionary.

Even if they are brilliant in the understanding of the knowledge, they will be useless. Anyway, if one is brilliant in the understanding of the knowledge one will know that to be a missionary one needs sacrifice and one pays to be a missionary based on sacrifice, and precisely for the hippie, bohemian type working honestly and being responsible for oneself is part of that sacrifice, and they would rather hang of someone else than do that.


Being someone who does not work, relies on others, lives in disorder, ignores the physical going out of balance thinking that everything is spiritual (the truth is it is a balance) such a student really gets you nowhere in the end.

How is such a student going to be a missionary? The freedom that many missionaries have where their existence is covered by the people that they are helping has been well and truly earnt through many years of constant, tireless service to humanity which sometimes is not at all always pleasant. Much sacrifice has got them there and the hippie, bohemian, artistic student does little in the way of sacrifice, and instead makes all those around them sacrifice things, especially like the money of others.

Even if such a student does not want to be a missionary where is there sacrifice to help humanity and support the Gnostic centre that has given them so much, especially with the sacrifice that they do not wish to give.

End (2082).

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