When we are working on any defect, what is so very helpful
to us, is to have a reference point. I know you could be sick and tired of reading
about reference points but give this a shot.
Having a reference point makes our work so much easier and
quicker, because it makes things clearer and so much more obvious about what we
need to do and how we can do it.
Such a Useful Reference Point
An extraordinarily useful reference point is to know exactly
what the free value that has been conditioned by the ego is. We may say that the
value is the opposite of the ego. Most of the time we don’t really know what
the opposite of the ego is and so we don’t know what we are working towards or
whether what we are doing is right or wrong and we don't really have anything to look towards and take
solace, confidence and refuge in. In this case we would take solace and refuge in eh value.
With Regards to Lust
Specifically, with regard to lust, the ego of lust has
conditioned the value of sexuality. What I want to do in this post is to put
everything, really everything that I know about sexuality into the following
three sub-sections (Human, Psychological and Esoteric) so that we have
something to grab onto when we work on the ego of lust. Knowing the value that
we are trying to free when working on an ego is such a tremendous help. I really
want this post to be of some help. Knowing the value allows us to take refuge
in it rather than in the conditioned version of it, which is the ego.
The reason why it is so hard to dissolve the ego, is because we take refuge in it, we like and love it. We have to begin to like, love and take refuge in the value and things will then definitely change. To like the value we have to know it and then cultivate as we dissolve the conditioning of it.
The reason why it is so hard to dissolve the ego, is because we take refuge in it, we like and love it. We have to begin to like, love and take refuge in the value and things will then definitely change. To like the value we have to know it and then cultivate as we dissolve the conditioning of it.
The Human
We need to start here, not from above. The Human is what is
most immediate to us. We must start with the most immediate and then move upwards,
this is the correct order.
Within unconditioned sexuality we find the natural ways of our own
essence. In sexuality, we find a part of ourselves. Our own essence has a way
of relating sexually. It does not reject our own sexuality. It can’t because a
part of itself in sexuality and is sexuality, the value of sexuality, the true sexuality that is.
Specifically, in sexuality, we find meaning, we find reciprocity,
we find intimacy, we find connection, we find elements of love, we find trust,
we find tenderness, we find good will, we find a renewal of things, we find
vitality, we find healing, we find peace, etc.
When lust operates, we may underneath it all, be searching for
these things but we don’t find them. We find the opposite of these things,
maybe not straight away, or during, but definitely afterwards and in the long term
we find the exact opposite of these things. This is the definite and unequivocal
proof that lust has it wrong.
Lust searches for and gets what does not and can not really
satisfy one and therefore lust is always insatiable and asks for more and more
and more.
The things I have mentioned above are what satisfy, are what
fill one’s heart, mind and essence because they are of one’s essence and go
into one’s essence.
The Psychological
In many ways, the above mini values are psychological. The
human embraces the physical and the psychological. With the human we can
transform a human being's sexuality. This can be done without even touching the
esoteric. So, these teachings can be spread everywhere because they are of the
common human experience. But we are Gnostics and so we have another dimension
which is the esoteric. I’ll talk about the esoteric in a minute.
Embracing these mini-values (i.e. values within the larger
value of sexuality) we can certainly see for ourselves that to cultivate and integrate
with the values of sexuality is much better than what lust produces.
Superior Logic of the Values in Action
When lust enters our human machine we can say to ourselves: “the
values of sexuality are in my essence and they are what provide me with real
connection to myself and to another, they will provide me long term peace, the
filling and fulfilling of my essence, I will feel better always with these
values and not with my lust that drains my energy, lowers me, wastes time, wastes
money, makes me feel empty, guilty, sick, gives me brief distraction or pleasure
but then is replaced with extended feelings of shame, pain, emptiness. I want
to make a choice and I choose peace, I chose my essence, I chose the ever true values
of my essence, I chose my true self…etc.”.
Dialogue the Egos of Lust
Tell the egos of lust that (above), and if they reply or protest listen
to what they say and counter them, with the new superior logic that comes from
understanding the values present in sexuality.
Grab onto one of these values, like meaning, like fulfilling
intimacy or connection and then use that as a lever to understand lust and to displace
lust. See that lust promises intimacy, connection and meaning but never
delivers and can not, lust wants one night stands, short term encounters, wants
to steal love from people who are in relationships etc. How on earth can lust
provide intimacy, connection and meaning, peace if it is and uses these means? Tell
lust that and it should buckle at the knees.
Hit the fantasies of lust with the same logic and they too
must buckle at the knees.
The Esoteric
Alright the esoteric! This is where we can go to town. The values
within sexuality on the esoteric level are very fundamental and deep.
The esoteric side of sexuality is the opening of
supra-sexuality. That is the Alchemy and the transmutation. The esoteric side actually
transcends the human and psychological and goes direct to ones’ own Being. In
the esoteric side the other person, one’s spouse wife or husband is less in the
picture and what is more in the picture is one’s Being.
Create Foundations and Bases
That is why it is so important to start off with the human-psychological
values of sexuality, then progress to the esoteric. Because if we jump straight
to the esoteric when we slip back we won’t have a base to support ourselves on,
and without that base we can slip back quite a lot into a scary place if we are
not careful. I hope you get what I mean create bases at each step don’t jump
straight away so high without bases under your feet.
Energy, Creation, Connection to Being, Being Ecstasy, Values of Being and
All and more esoteric values surge put of sexuality. The
initiations of the Being surge out of sexuality.
When we transmute we liberate energy and increase our level
of energy. Lust lowers it and wastes it. With transmutation, we invigorate
ourselves, we fuse energy into our consciousness, essence and Being.
With the sexual energy, we always create, but with the value
of sexuality in the esoteric realms we fabricate inner creations which are the
solar bodies, the golden embryo and many other esoteric crystallisations.
Of course, with sexuality we find connection, always. Though
the means of the Alchemy and the transmutation we find connection to our inner
Being. Because with the flow of transmuted energy we send that energy from ourselves
up to our inner Being, so there is an energy link to our inner Being, being
established there. You connect to your Being!!! So we connect to our inner
Being with sexuality, with the transmutation.
Being Ecstasy
When we connect to our Real Being and transmute and fill our
system and our inner Being with energy what begins to happen is that our inner
Being begins to vibrate intensely in our essence and energy structure producing
like an ecstasy where the essence can receive much light and be filled with the
feeling of the Being. This is not an orgasm. We in Gnosis call orgasm, the loss
of the physical sexual energy and this does not happen here in the Being ecstasy.
Other Being Values such as Magnetism, Life, Light, Dignity etc.
One such value is magnetism and another value is the flow of
life, obviously sexuality is about attraction which is magnetism. So personal magnetism
increases and is cultivated as is the flow of life. Because sexuality is about
life, as is our inner Being about life, the eternal stream of life. We are
endowed with life and upon that life we have many bodies or existences. That
life is our Being.
Light and dignity are other values. In creation, there is
light. Sexuality is about the law of three bringing the opposites together. So
when the opposites are brought together energy is liberated as well as well light
from the contrast of the two opposites. So sexuality offers us light, warmth,
life, vitality, wisdom, which bring us dignity and regeneration.
Fire is the main element in sexuality. We work with fire in
sexuality. So through the means of the Being’s sexuality which is transmutation
and Alchemy the sacred fire latent in every human being is awoken.
This fire has the power to create and destroy. Fire is always
present in any act of creation or destruction. The fire in sexuality transforms
us because fire always transforms. Fire liberates and take things to the
superior dimensions.
Just hope this helps. If you want more info or details leave
an anonymous comment and I will get onto it, I promise you.
End (1802).
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