Thursday 15 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – Third Logos and Mother Earth – (1115)


Here Master Samael explains how an aspect of the Third Logos dwells at the centre of the Earth as the Fohat or special fire or energy that sustains the Earth and constantly renews the Earth. Master Samael says if the energy of the Third Logos were to abandon the Earth, the Earth would soon become a corpse.

Mother Earth

“The Earth has nine strata, and the laboratorium of the Third Logos is in the ninth one. Indeed, the ninth stratum is in the whole centre of this planetary mass; there we find the Holy Eight, the divine symbol of the infinite, within which the brain, heart, and sex of the planetary Genie are represented.

A sacred serpent is coiled within the heart of the Earth, precisely in the Ninth Sphere. This serpent is septuple in its constitution. Each one of its seven igneous aspects corresponds with each one of the seven serpents of the human being.

The creative energy of the Third Logos elaborates the chemical elements of the earth with all of their multifaceted complexity of forms. When this creative energy leaves the centre of the earth, then our world will be converted into a cadaver. This is how worlds die.

The serpentine fire of the human being emanates from the serpentine fire of the Earth. The terrible serpent sleeps profoundly within its mysterious nest of rare and hollow spheres, really similar to a true Chinese puzzle. These concentric spheres are subtle and astral. Truly, as the earth has nine concentric spheres and as on the bottom of all of them, the terrible serpent abides, in the same way the human being has nine spheres, because the human being is the Microcosmos of the Macrocosmos.”

End (1115).

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