Introduction (8 Note Sections)
This post contains the notes taken during the first day of a
small local retreat that took place after the retreat at Lake George, in a
small place off shore from the North American mainland.
See Sexuality Through and for the Being (1/8)
We have to see sexuality through the Being. We normally don't
see our sexuality this way.
When spontaneously the sexual energy is active we can see it
through and for the Being. Seeing that Activation as a natural clean
manifestation of our Being and a powerful and beautiful one at that we can
think that what is of the Being used in the Being’s way will take us closer to the
Being or to the higher parts and states of ourselves.
The activation of the sexual energy should be understood as
a manifestation of the Being and not as something sexy, sensuous etc. These are
all concepts created by human beings and belong to the ego of lust. What is
real and original is the force of the vitality of the Being manifesting in our
sexual centre.
Pride with Different People (2/8)
When we move between different groups of people there is
that pride that shows up in us, mainly because we know our place and we can’t straight
away shift into a prominent or high position, when people say positive things
to us and give us a high place.
We provoke anger in us in accordance with the conditioning
of anger.
How can we dissolve or actually first overcome or displace
that pride?
Remember Thomas A Kempis where he wrote that he was not more
because he was praised and he was not less because he was humiliated.
So we are not less, we are the same! Once again our
reference points are not in our centre of consciousness they are outside of
ourselves in people. This is vanity. This is about creating the psychological
To remedy this we need to transfer our reference point to
our consciousness.
Accidents (3/8)
Accidents are not karma! This is because karma always has a
cause and an accident is what escapes our will.
To avoid the law of accidents one needs to have an active
causal body that by using its will it actually determines circumstances.
When something escapes our will there is no cause for it and
it is an accident. Not Karma.
Three Antidotes for Identification, Fascination and Sleep or Dreaming (4/8)
The antidote to identification is comprehension.
The antidote to fascination is revelation and the antidote
to sleep is action.
If we don't comprehend the wrong states of others that
affect us we will get identified! This a big key just here!
Fascination is a step deeper than identification and so
revelation is a step more active in the consciousness than comprehension.
With identification we get taken down into our abyss.
The way we fall asleep in the ego is by attention. The
second step is then assimilation. The third is reality. In the second is where we
absorb or bring into ourselves what was said and or done.
The last step is where we also give it reality! It basically
becomes real for us.
We have to learn how to divide our attention. When we divide
our attention into half, that is one half on the person and the other in myself,
we break identification or we don't get identified.
We based on memory, come to actually transform a sensation
into an emotion. Such as a sound or noise can get transformed into fear.
Values of the Being (5/8)
Force is a value of your Being and it is used to keep the
essence standing and to overcome obstacles in life and in the path.
Anger never comes alone and there are really three types of
anger which are word, mind and body.
Anger is due to a lack of force! When the essence trapped in
the ego feels hurt or offended and at the same time feels that it lacks force,
calls out to the Being for help and anger comes to the call and it anger is
force, but unfortunately a force that attacks others.
Using our Consciousness (6/8)
1.) Attention always inside.
2.) Maintain the consciousness.
3.) Focus the consciousness.
4.) Point of Reference correct
5.) Relate correctly with the event.
There are three steps to relate well with the event. They are:
1.) participation 2.) communication and communion.
We relate well with the event when we integrate ourselves with
the event. When we integrate with the event we use the right centre for the
event ever so naturally.
Every event has a nominated centre. This happens that when
the Being is incarnated one happens to relate correctly with the event using
the right centre.
Until we incarnate the Being we must beg the Divine Moher
and the Third Logos to help us to relate correctly with event using the right
The intellectual centre informs us, the emotional centre
motivates us and the motor centre carries things out for us.
We have to relate well with the event and relate and relate
with the event using the right centre.
For example, eating is to use the instinctive centre, if we
use the intellect to analyse the ingredients of the food we don’t end up
eating. There are many examples like this and the right centre has much to do
with the nature of the event.
To awaken we have to know it is precisely that we make our consciousness
to sleep.
Part of the Being Related to Karma (7/8)
There is a part of the Being in us that is related to the
payment of karma.
This part of the Being can be conditioned by egos of fear
that are scared of the Divine Law.
Values of the Being (8/8)
Trust is a very important value of the Being and it is
liberated by dissolving fear.
Within anger is force. Within lust is the sexuality of the
Being and some aspects of the love of the Being.
Each part of the essence has a certain value inside of it
and those values make up the values of the Being.
To Have
‘To have’ is not bad at all but as the mind is conditioned
by relativity and duality there comes into the picture – ‘judgement’, where one
has more than the other and that comes to be the cause for envy, competition,
rivalry and unfairness or injustice which can really hurt others.
The values of the Being are all trapped within relativity and
Dignity is trapped within the ego of pride.
Relativity has done so much harm to humanity became it
produces the sense of unfairness because it relates directly to the inner scale
of every human being.
All the events in their depth are neutral, that is neither
bad or good etc.
End (1045).
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