Monday 22 August 2016

Something Precious - Love for the Divinity - (1055)

A Thinking of Unity Regarding Nations and Peoples

I really prefer to think in a uni-total way regarding the different nations and peoples, and not think in the way of “one nation or people being better than another”. I would rather prefer to see all the nations and people making up one planet, one organism and that each nation and people contributes to the whole and is an equally important part of the whole, and each nation or people serves a particular purpose or function and for that reason is naturally endowed with special characteristics.

Some nations and peoples certainly have attributes which are very useful for certain functions and some nations shine in certain areas and in other areas other nations shine. We have to be intelligent and transcendent in our thinking and not get stuck in one nation being better than the other and rise above that and learn the good attributes and values of each nation and peoples. Because it seems that no one nation has it all, it seems rather that the values and attributes are spread out. It is said even that Jesus travelled extensively spending time learning from several mystery schools spread across the globe. It is said that Jesus visited Tibet, Egypt, Greece … and several other countries learning their mysteries. This is because each school has its particular mysteries, different to others and putting all these mysteries from the different schools together we form a whole.

About Love for the Divinity 

A love that starts off very similar to a human kind of love and later transforms. It is to start loving our interior Divinity just as we love another human being. I once received the advice: “to love your Divine Mother as you would love a girlfriend”.

A Starting Point

The point is always we must start somewhere and the starting point is to consider values or attributes.

What values is it that we love in our heart? Is it wisdom, courage, force, intelligence, constancy, firmness, the power to prevail, resilience, kindness, compassion, consideration, love, healing etc.?

Whichever it is, it is in our interior divinity and we can start by extending our love for these values to our interior Divinity.

Correction Needed - Error in this Post

For the good of everybody who has read this post, I must let you know that this post contains some errors. The heart, our heart has always loved and so we don't have to learn to love, just focus on the love that is already there and work with that. Our love may be quiet and unnoticeable at first but it is there!


We all love certain attributes already and so the key is to extend that to our inner Divinity. When I see somebody doing that I feel so happy because I feel relieved and more secure because such a person is on the right track and as true as that love is, the truer the actions of the person will be to make real that love here in the physical world. One day they will find the path and walk the path and walk it happily to the one day where they will unite with what they truly and primordially love inside of them. How can we unite with something that we don't really love? It would be awful and painful wouldn't it?

End (1055).

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