Friday, 23 December 2016

Cook Responsibly – (1383)

Hunger: a Karma

Sometimes I wonder why is there hunger and famine in certain parts of the word and in others there is such an abundance that good food has to be thrown out.

It has to be karma on a national level, and karma on an individual level, especially if the country in which the person suffering from hunger lives, is prosperous such as many western countries.

Why Suffer Hunger Though

Karma works according to duality (flip to the opposite from the opposite reference point). If we are suffering from hunger it is because we deprived others of food and or we in disdain, disposed of good food for petty reasons.

Not Wasting Food

Not wasting food starts with knowing your own eating capacity and knowing the eating capacity of your guests. Put just enough on your plate and cook just enough for your guests. Otherwise leftovers and leftovers will be the order of the day and then when we can’t stomach anymore dried up turkey to the bin it will have to go.

Food Rescue

A new movement started in the UK called Food Rescue. This group of people have set up a system in several super markets (Woolworths in Australia have adopted it too now) where the good food that would end up in the big dumpsters at the back of the supermarket is now being distributed to those who are in need. That is great! I am glad that more and more countries are doing this now because that means less national karma related to food shortages and hunger.

End (1383).

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