Monday, 19 December 2016

Does Master Samael Mention Relativity and Duality? – (1365)


There are very few instances where master Samael mentions relativity and duality exactly in these terms: "relativity and duality". If we read carefully enough though we will find that he does in fact make reference to relativity and duality many times throughout his books. He does so using different words, referring to the same laws or principles that relativity and duality refer to.

Jesus the Christ made reference to relativity and duality many times as recorded in the scriptures.

First remove the plank from your own eye before you remove the speck from your neighbour's eye.

Some Examples

Here below are some examples of relativity and duality in the teachings and in the common wisdom of life.

Common Sayings

“Put yourself in my shoes!” is about relativity, it is actually asking people to change their reference point to be the other person and not ourselves.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” is also about relativity, saying that what is beautiful to one is not beautiful to another. Meaning that the perception of beauty is relative.

“One man’s riches is another man’s rags.” is also about relativity telling us that, that which is of value is entirely relative to the person perceiving the object.

Inversion of the “I”

This is something that master Samael mentions very often and it is the perfect expression of changing the reference points within the ego to the opposite.

V.M Samael Aun Weor

“Do the opposite of the ego.”

“The foundation of the ego is ‘the more’.”

The ‘more’ is all about relativity. The ego always wants more relative to others or to what it had or experienced before.

G.I Gurdjieff

“Man has a relative sense of good. Not an absolute sense of evil.”

This is one of the best teachings, it describes why we do all the evil that we do on the planet, even in the name of God.

Jesus in the Scriptures

“Remove the speck from your neighbour’s eye before you remove the plank from your own.”

“Do to others as you would have done to you.”

Both of these teachings are very wise and give direct advice on how to overcome the conditioning of relativity and duality. They are directly about changing the reference point and using duality to know and discover ourselves.

End (1365).

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