Sunday, 18 December 2016

You are your Reference Points – (1358)

What are we Psychologically Speaking?

One very good answer to this question is that we are our reference points.


Because according to our reference points we think, feel and act. Our reference points determine the values we go by and the way we process our psychology and our psychological processes determine our actions.

The tunnel vision that the ego has comes from a very narrow reference point.
Yes sir there are reference points and reference points.
There are broader reference points and narrower reference points.

Reference Points and Definition

When we define ourselves as something, or as someone this invariably means that we have adopted a reference point or a set of similar reference points in our psychology.

For example we define ourselves for the self-realisation we have made the work on ourselves, the path and the Being our reference point.

To be defined about something means to decide using that thing that we are defined for as a reference point.

If a person is married, the marriage becomes a reference point. A married person can not think and decide using ‘being single’ as a reference point. They can, but their marriage may not last long, because in their psychology they are single, because one’s reference points tell us what we are.

The identity of every ego is a reference point. The ego adopts the identity of the reference point that it has. It is so crucial to change identity when working on the ego.

Reference Points and Identity Intimately Linked

The above paragraph shows us how intimately linked identify and reference points are.

To work on the ego successfully we have to not identify with the ego. When we identify with the ego we adopt its reference point. In other words, we fall into relativity and duality straight away with identification.

The identity of the ego is very intimately linked to its reference point.

Also when we change the reference point within us we stop the identification with the ego. Because we have changed identity.

I have a couple of more posts to do with reference points, check out the next few posts to come.

End (1358).

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