Monday, 19 December 2016

If it was Conditioned, it is Real - (1362)


Basically if something in us is conditioned by relativity and duality that means that that something is a real value or quality of our essence. It before being conditioned was pristine then it changes and the good news is that it can be deconditioned and returned to its pristine state once again. This shows us that is 100% real.

There are things that were never pristine and conditioned they only exist in relativity. These things then don't have a real existence but a relative existence. Form, shape and function are such things.

The absolute is real also and it is not conditioned by relativity and duality.

The Qualities of Values

The powers of will, mind, emotion, word, imagination, trust, sexuality, tolerance, patience, dignity, majesty, balance, force, industriousness, wisdom, action and repose etc. can all be conditioned by relativity and duality to produce the egos that we know already.

End (1362).

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