Thursday, 29 December 2016

Love Reality – (1396)

Best Way

The best, and wisest strategy or even more than that, a way to take life, is to love reality.

Love what comes to you good and bad. Someone ridicules you, like it. Someone rejects you, love that you are alone again.

Plans change, like the new change in plans. Receive an insult love that insult, love that the person felt free enough to say those words!

Loving reality my goodness is revolutionary and liberating! It frees us from pain and resentment, anger, pride and control.

Very Hard but in the End its Right

Just try it, and see for yourself! At least start to like it or see how you can like it. Like reality not our mind and its patterns and schemes.

It is very hard to do at times (almost impossible), but at least we can have this notion present that it is best to always love reality! Just knowing about this makes a difference that is 100% for sure.

End (1396).

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