Thursday, 15 December 2016

Learn from Nature – Submittal belongs to an Animal Nature – (1347)


Watching some nature documentaries is very good at times. Because it shows the behaviour present in the plant and animal kingdoms and it allows us to reflect and verify that actually human beings and animals, when it comes to their behaviour, they have much in common.

This makes sense because human beings are an animal with intellect. The essence that a human being has is the same that an animal has and the only difference is that animals have two brains while we have three brains, the difference being the intellectual centre and the facility of speech. Also because the ego in us is actually of an animal nature.


I always thought that being submissive was good and that it was a way of avoiding pride or counteracting pride. However watching many nature documentaries I began to reflect and think that submittal is very animal like. All the animals do it all over the world.

Can be Eliminated

We actually can eliminate submittal from our life. It is not really a correct relation with the Being that we have within us. We can in the physical world take a second position or a less active position and respect others who are above us, but to take the identity of submittal and the role of submittal is animal like. Behind it is fear, which is very animal like. The animal kingdom works all based on fear and aggression.

Pride and fear use the submissive attitude when we are concerned that we are going to be displaced or removed. This is really a lack of self-respect or a lack of respect for the Being inside of ourselves. When we submit ourselves as per assuming the role of submittal we are lowering our dignity and we are abandoning our Being. The best is to remember our inner Being and respectfully remain passive or quiet allowing those whose proper place it is to take the lead.


Not submitting does not mean to surpass, overrule, usurp or take over. It means to remain as we are respecting higher authorities yet not feeling scared or lower.

We can eliminate submittal using respect, awareness and a love and appreciation for the divine presence dwelling within ourselves.

End (1347).

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