Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Karma in us Makes us to Think in a Particular Telltale Way – (1366)


The karma that we all have actually through time conditions our way of thinking. This post is about describing the very typical way our ways of thinking have been influenced by the karma that we have.

Note, these notes come from the recent retreat mentioned in previous posts.

Sometimes seen as cruel, but it is true, it is the law.

Karmic Way of Thinking

When we have karma, we also end up getting into karmic way of thinking. This way of thinking goes like this: 'It will go wrong, things are not going to work out well, things never usually work out well, it is probably a disaster waiting to happen.".

We have had so many humiliations, so many failures, so many reprimands that it has come to be so natural that we think this way! So normal, so entrenched even into our instinctive centre. We have a very firm of memory of karma, that has to be removed, once we pay a karmic debt or we pay all of our karma.

Karmic Word

When we are under karma we are always explaining, always justifying because we are under punishment, under duress, under evaluation.

We basically have a karmic word, that also wishes to control. We have karma within us and because of that we want to exercise the vigour of the law.

Because of unity what we do to others we do to ourselves.

Wish to Help Everyone

When we have karma we wish to help everyone because we are scared of the karma hitting them and we are really scared of the karma hitting us.

When we are free of karma we stop becoming a beggar. The time of being a beggar is over, once we really have paid our karma.

Mind you the person who has paid their karma can still get karma if they make a mistake!


Very interesting hey. I can see a lot of myself in those words. Because we still have karma we have fear of karma and that alone produces numerous actions to avoid even feeling that we may get karma.

End (1366).

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