Monday, 26 December 2016

Objective Reasoning of the Being - (1386)


This post is a short presentation of some notes taken about what Master Samael says regarding the objective reasoning of the Being.

Objective Reasoning

Master Samael says that the objective reasoning of the Being is the "greatest faculty that the Being has"

He also says that if we compare the chakras to the objective reasoning of the Being it would be like comparing the light of a candle to the illumination of the sun.

In the book "Pistis Sophia Unveiled", Master Samael says that Sophia is the objective reasoning of the Being:

In the Quinto Evangelio Master Samael says the following in relation to the objective reasoning of the Being.

"We can apprehend, discern, comprehend the most transcendental truths of the Being through the objective reasoning.

Through the awakening, the consciousness gains objectivity and then the vehicle of the consciousness is the interior mind which develops the objective reasoning. So there is an intimate link between the awakening and the interior mind and the development of the objective reasoning." 

From what Master Samael says we can infer that it is very important to understand the ego from an ontological point of view because each ego contains a fraction of the Being and therefore each ego contains a mystery related to the Being.

The knowledge of good and evil also increases the objective knowledge of the Being.

Abstract Truth and Objective Truth

"The abstract truth is someone experiencing the illuminating void, and the objective truth is someone realising the illuminating void within. Someone with objective truth is able to organise the truth and express it becasue it has been realised and is an integral part of and within his or her Being."

"The most extraordinary key for awakening is sacrificing pain."

"Within the interior mind is where resides all the powers of the Being."

Lucifer and the Objective Reasoning

The number of tridents on the horns on Lucifer reveals one's degree of objective reasoning. The highest degree of objective reasoning is represented by six tridents on the horns of Lucifer and it called the sacred Anklad.

These six degrees are in creation and there are another three degrees within the absolute. Making 9 degrees in total. One who has the ninth degree of objective reasoning is equal to the Eternal Common Cosmic Father. It makes sense that this degree can only be obtained once one enters the absolute as an inhabitant of the absolute.

We can infer then that the role of Lucifer within us, is to directly assist in developing the objective reasoning of the Being.


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