Thursday, 22 December 2016

Instead of Asking for Force Generate it! – (1380)

Ask for Help to Generate Force – That’s Better!

We often ask for force and we do get it from above. Especially from Master Samael as he is the Logos of Force in our Solar System. It stays and helps us for a while and because it was borrowed it leaves us.  What’s worse or more shameful is when we ask for force and we receive it and then it gets wasted or misused by the egos in us.

I think that it is better to work so to be able to generate our own force and when we ask for force that force from above joins with the force we have so to enhance it.

If we have a little bit of individual force that means that we also know how to isolate it from the egos that we have. With one of these egos being anger, and another one being pride.

Sometimes we just need force and for sure there is nothing wrong in asking for force. But after a while the question rises why not work to be able to generate force and establish a mini supply of force within us or link ourselves better to the sources of force.

End (1380).

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